Category Archives: Hunter Pets

How to tame a Fel Wolf in Tanaan Jungle

I hope you like wolves, because we’ve got another one for you to tame.

Big congratulations to Qraljar on the Petopia forums for winning the contest to be first to discover how to tame a fel wolf! Somehow this little guy stayed hidden for the majority of the PTR, but the contest ran by Petopia got everyone out hunting for it. The prize was a Corrupted Hippogryph mount.

Fel wolves throughout Draenor are classed as aberrations, not beasts, so normally they aren’t available for taming. However, there is a special way to temporarily make a Felbound Wolf tameable. It’s a brand new taming challenge! The Felbound Wolf uses the same model and visual effect as Gara, but it’s green instead of purple. It’s also a part of the Wolf family instead of Spirit Beasts, meaning all hunter specs can enjoy it.

The challenge requires use of your full hunter toolkit, but if you’re having trouble doing it solo you can always ask a friend to help you out. Here’s how it’s done.

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There’s an undiscovered Hunter pet in 6.2, win a prize if you tame it first

Update: The pet has been discovered!

Apparently there is a special hunter pet coming in patch 6.2 that no one has discovered yet! Petopia, in partnership with, is currently running a contest on their forums for hunters to discover this new pet on the PTR.

Whoever discovers it and is the first to post screenshots and details for where they tamed it will win a TCG mount, the Corrupted Hippogryph!

Mania from Petopia had the following to say:

<tap tap tap>
Is this thing on? Yeah? … Excellent.

So … I learned something fascinating the other day. You guys have missed something – something veeeery interesting. See, there’s a certain tameable beast with a cool new look on the 6.2 PTR that nobody has reported yet.

Now we could tell you what it is and how to tame it … but we aren’t going to. Instead, we’re going to run a little contest with Petopia’s sister site, Warcraft Mounts, sponsoring the prize. The first person to find this new tameable on the 6.2 PTR and report back with all the necessary details on how to tame it, here on this thread, will win a Corrupted Hippogryph loot code, from the good people at WootLoots.

So here’s what you need to do: First, go find the beast! We’re not going to give you any hints about this creature other than it’s new to patch 6.2, it’s not a look that has been tameable before, and it’s not a simple ‘see beast, tame beast’ kind of tame. Next, get some screenshots! Post a full screenshot of you with the tamed beast on this thread, including your PTR character name and PTR realm (in the unlikely event there’s a dispute and we need to get in touch with you on the PTR realm to verify the tame). Also keep in mind that in order to be eligible for the prize, you must also have an active WoW account on an EU or US server (including Oceanic and Latin America), so we can give it to you.

It’s possible that someone on some other site will report the tame before one of us Petopians does. In that case, we’ll have to declare the contest void and save the loot code for another day. Let’s avoid that, though, by beating them to it. So go forth. minions, and tame!

Good luck!

As you can see, there’s no hints at all. Is it in Tanaan? Is it a rare? Is it a challenge tame? Is it an existing beast that was previously untameable? If you find and successfully tame the pet, you need to be a registered member of the Petopia forums and post your find in this thread in order to win the mount. 

It’s not one of the beasts featured on the front page of Petopia, or the new Diresnout Felboar (not on their site as of now).

Good luck!

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Pet of the Week: Iron Warwolf

Disclaimer: This pet was found on the patch 6.2 PTR and is subject to change.

Wow, it’s been a while since we had one of these. Now that we’re starting to get new pets again, I thought it was time to resurrect this feature. Actually, this is the only new pet I’ve found so far on the 6.2 PTR and I think I did a fairly good sweep of Tanaan Jungle. But the PTR young and a lot could change.  Muffinus also hinted at new pets.

The Iron Warwolf may look familiar to you if you’ve been running Blackrock Foundry. It’s the same wolf pet that Beastlord Darmac uses! It was also seen at The Pit in Gorgrond, but those were level 101 and therefore couldn’t be tamed. These puppies are level 100 and are found at The Iron Front in western Tanaan Jungle (map).

Will they survive the PTR cycle? Let’s hope so. I remember being slightly concerned that the Savage Warwolf, which I originally featured early on in the WoD beta, wouldn’t make it because saddled pets were a rarity at the time. That one did make it in, so I’m pretty hopeful this one will stay tameable as well.

I also threw together a short 1 minute video of this pet, which you will find embedded below.

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How Blizzard could bring back Hunter pet loyalty

Hunter pets back in vanilla were convoluted by today’s standards. You couldnt’ simply tame a pet and use it. You had to worry about several things:

  1. Pets did not level up to your level. If you were level 60 and tamed a level 10 pet, you would have to manually level them up. Very slowly, since they weren’t able to do any tanking for you when they’d get killed in a few hits.
  2. Pets had 6 loyalty levels, which also had to be leveled up. The more loyal they were, the easier it was to keep them happy.
  3. Pet Happiness had to be kept up by feeding your pet regularly, if you didn’t keep your pet happy they would do less damage. If they stayed unhappy for too long, they would permanently abandon you.

In today’s WoW this simply wouldn’t fly, but there was something good buried under all that. Hunters tended to pick a single pet and stick with it (helped that we could only have 2 other pets in the stable at the time). Rak’shiri was my main pet through a good part of vanilla. Your pet was your best buddy because you worked so hard to get them there. Not like today where it’s almost become a collection mini-game.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy collecting pets, but I still think something was lost from the spirit of the class. Pets feel more disposable than ever.

It got me wondering if there was a way to bring back the idea of a hunter bonding with their pet, without all of the baggage that made it not fun.

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What new pets do you want to see?

I’ve written posts in the same vein as this before (like this Scattered Shots) and I try my best not to sound like a spoiled, entitled hunter. The reality is, we have a crapton of pets to choose from. There’s not much reason to beg for more, but hey, Muffinus asked! The same designer responsible for Gara and other new pet families in in 6.0.

So with that in mind, I thought it would be cool to touch on some of the interesting potential pets out there. Think of it as a wishlist. Some of them are new skins for existing families, and some would have to be new families entirely (much less likely outside of a new expansion).

Continue reading What new pets do you want to see?

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Pet(s) of the Week: Matching hunter pets and mounts are awesome

I get a huge kick out of having matching pets and mounts, so I wanted to share my latest couple of matches.

The one above is the Trained Snarler mount and the Riding Wolf pet from Nagrand. The mount is obtained through the garrison stables building. It’s one of the 6 you’re able to train through a series of daily quests. The pet may look familiar to you since I’ve talked previously about the Savage Warwolf (way back in August!), but this one is a little different. It’s the same wolf minus the armor. When I first went down there to look for one there were none spawned, so you may need to give it a bit of time. Both wolves aren’t terribly common, but they will spawn eventually.

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Final beta video: B-roll footage of hunter pets at 60fps!

If you didn’t know, YouTube recently introduced support for 60fps videos. You obviously need to upload the video in 60fps for this to work, and YouTube also seems very picky with the encode settings, but once it works it’s pretty cool!

It only works in the Google Chrome browser (or IE11 if you enable HTML5 video), but doesn’t appear to work in Firefox at all. You also need to set the video to 720p or 1080p to see the 60fps version. Support on non-PC devices or apps is spotty.

You’ll know it when you see it, because the difference between 60fps and 30fps is night and day.

Beta ends tomorrow, so enjoy this final video of some random hunter pets. Remember to set it to 720p or 1080p!  :mrgreen:

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Pet of the Week: Druids in Travel Form

Blizzard finally gave into our demands and made druids tameable. The catch is you can only tame them in their travel form. So if you were hoping for a kitty or bear druid, you’re out of luck (for now). A druid in travel form is part of the Stag family once tamed and brings the versatility raid buff with Grace.

Druids are not exotic, so no need to worry about that. The trick is just catching one in travel form who won’t notice your Tame Beast channeling. AFK druids work best. I wouldn’t recommend taming one of your friends or guildies, since you may lose them as a friend once they can no longer control their druid.

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Pet of the Week: Spirit of Atha

Hail Hydra! That seems to be the hunter mantra of the week. Everywhere I go, I see hunters sporting their newly tamed hydras. Arguably one of the coolest is Spirit of Atha, the ghost hydra.

This isn’t the first time I’ve tamed this elusive beast. I was one of those who tamed it back in Wrath of the Lich King when there was a bug that allowed hunters to tame it as a crocolisk pet. In my infinite wisdom, I abandoned it and regretted it ever since. It was only available for a short time before it was fixed. In my defense, we could only own 5 total pets back then. For a while it remained a crocolisk until Blizzard made a new hydra family just for this one pet in Cataclysm. That version of the hydra family had a crit buff, today’s Hydras have a mastery buff.

The Spirit of Atha is found in Sholazar Basin. It doesn’t exist naturally in the world, the only way to get it is to summon it via a quest.

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Patch 6.0.2: Hunter guides, gems, new pets and buffs, and Survival hotfixes

It’s patch day! That means it’s time to TAME ALL THE PETS. This is probably how things will play out for me upon logging in today:

  • Get my 3 extra Challenge Mode mounts from my mailbox, which will put me to exactly 200 mounts and give me the achievement! Woot!
  • Add all my toys to the Toy Box, fill up the new Void Storage tab, add reagents to reagent bank, and just clean up bags and bank in general. I’m going to be freeing up well over 150 bag slots.
  • Set up addons, action bars, etc. and change my gems (more on that below)
  • Tame Chimaeron!
  • Do the Blasted Lands quests for the launch event and get the title and pet (as seen in the image above from PTR).
  • Moar pets!

Hot off the press we also have some Survival hotfixes. Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, and Serpent Sting all had a 12% damage buff. It should help Survival a little bit, which according to sims was the lowest DPS spec in the game for 6.0, and I’m not just talking about hunters. We’ll see how accurate those sims were as we get to test things more. Survival likes multistrike, but the only way you’ll be able to get some in 6.0 is from the raid buff (one of your pets), which gives you 5%. Plus you can get a little more from Haromm’s Talisman.

Hunter guide for 6.0

My Patch 6.0 / Warlords of Draenor hunter guide was published on Wowhead today.  It’s geared mostly towards new or recently returned players, but I think most hunters will see value in it. It covers all the bases in a concise manner, including transitioning to 6.0 at level 90. Go check it out!

The WHU also posted their 6.0 hunter guide last night which you should also check out. So much hunter love.

Continue reading Patch 6.0.2: Hunter guides, gems, new pets and buffs, and Survival hotfixes

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