There’s still some hope for a Survival cooldown

Ask any hunter who has played on beta, and they’ll probably tell you that survival feels a little empty without any baseline cooldowns or executes. We know Blizzard wants to push for survival to be the multidot/sustained damage spec, but many hunters feel it’s gone a bit too far. The good news is, it sounds like they are still mulling over the idea of survival having a cooldown.

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Hunter Beta Feedback: Round 1

What follows isn’t going to written like one of my normal blog posts. It’s a copy/paste of a feedback post I made in the Warlords beta forums intended for the developers. I thought some of you may be interested in reading it anyway. I’ve added a few pictures to help with the “wall of text crits you for 9000” factor.

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Marksmanship mastery and Lock and Load changes, T17 Mythic armor

WoD beta build 18505 just hit the servers and with it comes some pretty substantial changes for marksmanship and survival hunters.

Marksmanship Mastery

  • Marksmanship’s mastery is no longer Wild Quiver, and is now Sniper Training.
    • When you stand still for 3 seconds, you gain Sniper Training for 6 sec, which increases your damage, shot range, and critical strike damage by 4%.

It seems like Blizzard is really pushing for marksmanship to be the turret spec. The synergy here with Focusing Shot has enormous potential if this style of play is something you’re interested in. The 4% value is the base mastery, it will be higher with mastery gear. On the beta I got it up to 10% with gear and buffs. Some of you may remember the old Sniper Training talent from back in the day, but that one was just increased damage. This new version adds critical hit damage and shot range. The shot range bit is pretty interesting. 50 yard shots? Very, very cool. I’ve done a quick bit of testing on the beta and it appears that it takes 3 seconds to activate. It doesn’t start counting down from 6 seconds until you begin moving.


The real question is if we’ll be able to give up our bunny-hopping, DPS-on-the-move freedom and revert back to turret style. What do you think?

After testing this for a bit on the beta, one thing it REALLY needs is some kind of visual to let you know you have it. Otherwise, it’s basically a “WeakAuras required” thing to get the most out of it.

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How to tame Chimaeron at level 90 and 100

Taming Chimaeron is simple for a level 100 character, but if you want to tame him in patch 6.0 at level 90, it’s a little trickier to do solo, but still perfectly doable. I’ll start with level 100. It isn’t quite as simple as walking in and taming. First you need to show Chimaeron who’s boss (that means getting him below 20% health before you can tame).

Taming Chimaeron at level 100
  • Set the legacy raid difficulty to 10-player (or 25-player is fine for level 100 players) and enter Blackwing Descent (the entrance is near the top of Blackrock Mountain in Burning Steppes/Searing Gorge).
  • Kill Magmaw and Omnotron Defense System to unlock the next area with Chimaeron. With the new stat scaling, you will kill them very quickly.
  • Head down the elevator and take a left. That’s where Chimaeron is located.
  • Talk to Finkle in the cage behind Chimaeron (this is so if you don’t tame him fast enough, he won’t one-shot you later on).
  • Dismiss your current pet and slowly DPS him down to 20% health, but be very careful not to kill him outright with your buffed damage.
  • Be VERY careful — once he hits 50% you may just want to use auto shot. I wouldn’t recommend survival spec for this since the DoTs could kill him after 20%. If Chimaeron dies, you have to wait a week to try the tame again.
  • Begin the tame once he enrages at 20% health.

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There’s a new type of mob to kill in Draenor. They’ve been dubbed “vignettes” and essentially they’re rare spawns a la the Timeless Isle, but they drop their special item (plus garrison resources) the first time you kill them. All subsequent kills will just drop junk loot.

You can find them everywhere in Draenor, some of them drop loot like trinkets or weapons, and others drop toy items. One such mob I found was the Hypnocroak. He is hidden up in a cave which, at first glance, seems unreachable without a flying mount, but then you see the little rocks jutting out of the cliff face and realize it’s actually a jumping puzzle.


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The best new Hunter Glyph: Glyph of Play Dead

Out of the handful of new glyphs being added for hunters in Warlords, the Glyph of Play Dead is definitely my favorite. It only takes up a minor slot, so you don’t have to worry about it clashing with anything important.

The pet not only plays its death animation but also drops aggro. This is only useful in some situations, as I quickly discovered when I feigned death to get a rare elite back on my pet. Since the pet also dropped aggro, the elite mob reset and started evading. Any time you want to be able to feign to drop aggro without resetting the fight, you’re not going to want to use this.

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New hunter pets in Shadowmoon Valley

Shadowmoon Valley had a wider variety of tameable pets than Frostfire Ridge did (a lot of the ones in Frostfire weren’t yet flagged as tameable on the alpha). Some of the ones in Shadowmoon still can’t be tamed, but that’ll be fixed in time.

Is your stable full? You might want to make room for some of these guys, and this is only the stuff from a single zone… nevermind any rare spawns we haven’t even seen yet.

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WoD Alpha: Tanaan Jungle and Shadowmoon Valley screenshots

I’ve been playing a lot of alpha lately. Between the server instability, the crashes, and the constant bug report submissions it’s taken me quite a while to finish most of the quests in Shadowmoon Valley.  Then there’s all the new pets to tame, killing rares, working on the Garrison…

I have some more hunter-specific stuff in the pipe for over the weekend, but for now I just wanted to do a quick dump of some of my favorite screenshots from the last day or so. The screens are all 2560×1440 and there might be some good wallpaper material in here. 🙂

The Tanaan ones are from the Warlords intro/starting experience, and the Shadowmoon Valley ones were taken throughout my questing experience. As a bonus, I’ve included some screenshots taken in Blasted Lands from the pre-Warlords 6.0 patch stuff where the Iron Horde begin invading through the Dark Portal.

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Pet of the Week: Echidnian Hydra

These lumbering beasts wander the shallows of the Nightmarsh in Shadowmoon Valley. Hydras are one of the 3 new hunter pet families being added in Warlords of Draenor, the others being Rylaks and Riverbeasts, which I’ll feature shortly. Hydras bring the Keen Senses (mastery) buff.

There’s a little bit of a bug with these guys in the alpha right now. Instead of playing their run animation when they move around, they instead play their walking animation at superfast speeds. Oh, and they’re very stompy. Even more stompy than a regular hydra. For the sake of hunter ears everywhere, let’s hope they tone those noises down just a smidge. 😉

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Hunter Transmog: Dread Hunter

Today, we have another reader-submitted hunter transmog, this one from Zägerin on Drakkari.  Here is what they had to say about the transmog they call “Dread Hunter.”

After spending too much in the Dread Wastes for no good reason, I wanted a Black/whitish set for my hunter. This is the end result, the shoulders being the more difficult part to match. I am not happy about them but it’s the best I could do.

Helm: n/a


I’ve put this set together in a Wowhead item comparison so you can quickly view it on other races in 3D (click the little triangle above the item icons).

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