Tag Archives: Alex Afrasiabi

Blast from the past: Rhok’delar

Recently, some of the WoW designers have been posting photos of their oldest surviving design notes on the game for “throwback thursday.” Today, Alex Afrasiabi (Creative Director) posted up his ancient design notes for the hunter class quest in vanilla. This quest was truly an epic undertaking, and at the end you were rewarded with Rhok’delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers.  The quest also rewarded you with a melee weapon, Lok’delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers.

In order to start the quest, you needed to get the Ancient Petrified Leaf to drop in Molten Core. Unfortunately, this is no longer available in the game. It was removed in Cataclysm and I’m still kicking myself for not completing it when I could in Wrath. The problem was, back then I never would have thought we’d get transmog. Oh well.  This quest took you to Felwood, where you were then sent to slay 4 demons across Azeroth. They all required specific strategies and you couldn’t have any help or else they’d despawn. Finally, you’d have to kill Onyxia before turning it in for your weapons. Frostheim also wrote a great article on the quest back when it was still available.

Are any of you lucky enough to still have this on your hunter?

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