This transmog was submitted by Argentlam of Khadgar-EU. White hunter transmogs aren’t something you see every day, so I thought it was worth posting!
Helm: N/A
Shoulders: Witch Doctor’s Spaulders or Mischievous Spaulders (Alliance only)
Cloak: Refractory Heartcloak
Chest: Wasteland Chain Armor
Shirt: Common White Shirt (or any white shirt)
Hands: Giantstalker’s Gloves
Belt: Sharpeye Belt
Legs: Wasteland Chain Leggings
Feet: Streamslither Boots
Weapon: Needle Threader or the Fox Hunter’s Rifle as a tribute to Simo Hayha, a Finnish sniper who has 506 kills on record, in the snow, using a rifle without a scope.
It’s worth noting that all of the Warlords items have many other lookalikes available (you can see them on Wowhead). The pet featured in the screenshots is Stompy.
I’ve put this set together in a Wowhead item comparison so you can quickly view it on other races in 3D (click the little triangle above the item icons).
Got a cool hunter transmog to show off?
Submit it, along with a complete item list and a link to a high-resolution screenshot or two, and I may feature it on the site (it won’t always be posted immediately)! Please make sure the screenshots are taken in clear/bright lighting, close up, and easy to see (like the ones in this post) or else I can’t really use them. Especially could use some new transmogs feature Warlords of Draenor armor.
You can view previous transmog posts here.
I’ve played forever, since BC, and I’ve never really understood the purpose of transmog. Keen to understand why people do it.
And I’ve never understood the people who don’t transmog at all and wear a clown suit of random pieces! Different strokes
People like making their character look cool and/or unique. For some there’s a collecting aspect too.
I do it because I get tired of looking the same way all the time. Also, it’s fun to mix and match and try to come up with a unique look that no one else is using.
Cool. I figured that would be the motivation for most people.
ive been using the warsong armor set with the heroic Living Mountain Shoulderguards and the Golden Bow of Quel’Thalas. The Orgrimmar Tabard looks good too but ymmv since im a female orc and look good period. I love Gara so ive been searching long and far for a set that matches her purpleness. Maybe this white set or the spec ops you posted awhile ago will do
For Gara I’ve used a combinations of purple and blueish purples. It doesn’t sound like it goes but overall I really like how it looks in game. You can see what you think from my armory: Silverstarr on Gnomeregan.
Found a good helmet for this..
There are several others with the same model, but this one’s colors match almost perfectly. Looks boss on my Undead Hunter.