I hope you like wolves, because we’ve got another one for you to tame.
Big congratulations to Qraljar on the Petopia forums for winning the contest to be first to discover how to tame a fel wolf! Somehow this little guy stayed hidden for the majority of the PTR, but the contest ran by Petopia got everyone out hunting for it. The prize was a Corrupted Hippogryph mount.
Fel wolves throughout Draenor are classed as aberrations, not beasts, so normally they aren’t available for taming. However, there is a special way to temporarily make a Felbound Wolf tameable. It’s a brand new taming challenge! The Felbound Wolf uses the same model and visual effect as Gara, but it’s green instead of purple. It’s also a part of the Wolf family instead of Spirit Beasts, meaning all hunter specs can enjoy it.
The challenge requires use of your full hunter toolkit, but if you’re having trouble doing it solo you can always ask a friend to help you out. Here’s how it’s done.

Step One: Kill Fel Rangari Anaara
Easier said than done. Anaara is an elite with almost 5 million health, and she has many abilities aimed specifically to counter hunters. We need to kill her because she drops the Vial of Fel Cleansing. She only drops one per kill, so if you’re doing this with a friend you’ll need to kill her multiple times to get everyone a vial. Respawn time on her is about 5 minutes.
She can be found on the southern coast of Tanaan Jungle, directly south of Fang’rila.
I did it as Beast Mastery, but any spec should work. Just make sure you take the Spirit Bond talent so you have constant healing (Lone Wolf wouldn’t be ideal). Choose a pet that brings the buff most suited to your spec.
Tips for defeating Anaara
- She does both melee attacks and ranged attacks, but her ranged attacks hurt less. Keep her at range using abilities like Concussive Shot, Ice Trap, and Binding Shot.
- She will cast Soothe Pet on your pet, and then focus on you. Both Master’s Call and Bestial Wrath break your pet out of this, so it’s advised to hold onto it until your pet is soothed. If you use MM or SV, you have less opportunities to break your pet out, but it’s still beneficial to have for Spirit Bond.
- She will frequently cast Fel Blossom underneath you. Do not stand in this, it hurts!
- She will frequently go into stealth mode. You need to drop your Flare in order to reveal her. Watch out as she can still attack you from stealth, this is why you want to get her out with a Flare ASAP.
- Important: Use Tranquilizing Shot to dispel Blessing of Fallen Kings. It gives her a massive damage buff and reduces her damage taken. She will kill you and your pet fast if this buff is left unattended.
- Super Important: Use Counter Shot to interrupt Tainted Light. If you let her get this cast off, she heals to full health. I made this mistake a few times. For me, she didn’t start using this ability until she was around half health. She shouldn’t use it more frequently than Counter Shot’s cooldown, but if she does then Freezing Trap can work as an interrupt as well.
It may take you a few tries, but the key is avoiding damage and dispelling/interrupting.
Step Two: Find a Felbound Wolf
Relax, you’ve made it to the easy part! Head to the Temple of Sha’naar area in southwestern Tanaan Jungle. There you will find Felbound Wolves.
Get the attention of one of them, and then use your Vial of Fel Cleansing with it targeted. This will stop it from attacking you and make it tameable for exactly 1 minute.
If something goes wrong, you can always go get another vial, but this is a very simple tame as long as no one griefs you (might be best to make sure you’re alone first).
Many thanks to Qraljar and the folks at Petopia for getting this out there. Enjoy your fel wolf!
Looking forward to tame this one! Thanks for a detailed guide
…me too
For anyone still struggling, remember you also have Freezing Trap which works as an interrupt on Tainted Light, if your Counter Shot isn’t off CD in time. Also it looks like you can precast Flare (there’s a short cast timer on Anaara’s stealth).
Master’s Call was working for me when my pet was soothed; I would assume this is the intended method for dealing with that mechanic (since all of her mechanics seem to correspond to a specific hunter ability).
The Blessing of Fallen Kings buff that Bendak mentioned above, while it says 200%, in my logs, her melee hit my pet for only 25-30k dmg without the buff, but up to 130k dmg with it (averaged around 100k, though). The her ranged ability “shoot” is completely inconsequential if you tranq the Blessings buff (any damage it does will be countered by spirit bond).
Basically, if you keep Blessing Tranq’ed off, and move your feet out of the blossom, you’ll have a pretty easy time with her.
My lack of PvPing makes me forget about Master’s Call. Good catch.
Nice post as always.Thx Bendak.
Awaiting when we finally get the fiery color. I love fiery things…
On my way! C’mon patch 6.2!
Dose this mini boss have to be killed by hunters only? Or can I get my support class guildys to help me?
Hunters only i tried helping my husband on my priest and anytime i did anything she would one shot me
Very nice! This will go nicely with the Infernal Direwolf (http://ptr.wowhead.com/item=127140/infernal-direwolf) after our guild tackles that Achievement!
Nice to see another hunter taming challenge. I don’t think I’ll use the pet a lot but it will definitely get a spot in my stable.
If it were a unique skin it might be worth the effort. I was very disappointed with Gara after the tame. Have her, never use her. It still run with Loque … so far still a unique skin. Hope it stays that way.
got mine today! thanks! i think i am the first on Sylvanas to have done it!
I haven’t done this yet, but from your description I am curious why more mobs out in the wild don’t offer a challenge like this. Being forced to use your toolkit for great rewards while not in a dungeon is a great idea, even when you are soloing or questing.
Does anyone know where to get the bow in the pictures? cant seem to find it
Just got my hand on one, great pet!
Just tamed mine.
What an awesome pet, now just have to name it! As for the fight, that was awesome! I agree, it’d be nice to have more npc’s not in dungeons that are like this to really challenge classes with special rewards for doing it. Cheers!
Anyone know if the Fel Stalker has same exact skin as the reg. wolves?
I know im not the best hunter :-). I have trouble with the NPC’s on the beach that keep on spawning as well. If it was only her i think i manage but now, not the case…
Finally got around to doing this and fully enjoyed it. The Anaara fight was great, I appreciated the concept of Gara but this was a more rewarding tame I wish you had to fight someone like Anaara in the shadow world to pass on to tame Gara.
Gara was done with the idea of lower level toons getting her. I got her at 94. But I agree with the general sentiment.