I’ve safely landed in Draenor! Lots of huntery alpha coverage will be coming soon. I didn’t get things setup until very late tonight, but I did do a few quests and tamed my first two new pets (a savager ravager and one of the new boars) before I had to force myself to go to sleep. Stay tuned for more. 🙂

Congrats! Make sure to let us know what the new gun sounds are like in proper action.
Could you stream your experience in alpha?
Congratulation, and I hate you.
Look forward to reading all about it.
Darkbrew made me laugh.
Seriously though, I need some toast with my jelly.
Congratulations on getting in!! Can’t wait for all your Hunter posts!! >:-D
Congratulations! Looking forward to reading about your experiences with WoD.
Congrats! WTG =)