I’ve been playing a lot of alpha lately. Between the server instability, the crashes, and the constant bug report submissions it’s taken me quite a while to finish most of the quests in Shadowmoon Valley. Then there’s all the new pets to tame, killing rares, working on the Garrison…
I have some more hunter-specific stuff in the pipe for over the weekend, but for now I just wanted to do a quick dump of some of my favorite screenshots from the last day or so. The screens are all 2560×1440 and there might be some good wallpaper material in here. 🙂
The Tanaan ones are from the Warlords intro/starting experience, and the Shadowmoon Valley ones were taken throughout my questing experience. As a bonus, I’ve included some screenshots taken in Blasted Lands from the pre-Warlords 6.0 patch stuff where the Iron Horde begin invading through the Dark Portal.
Tanaan Jungle
Shadowmoon Valley
Iron Horde at the Dark Portal

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