Tag Archives: Patch 6.2

Hunting Party Podcast Episode 216: BlizzCon, Booze, and Patch 6.2

In this show we talk about our first impressions of hunters in patch 6.2, BlizzCon 2015 plans, and a bunch of other stuff! Also, we’re moving our live recording time again, but this time only by 30 minutes — from 2pm ET to 1:30pm ET.

The show is broadcast live on Twitch TV every second Sunday at 1:30 pm ET (17:30 GMT). The next episode is scheduled for Sunday, May 10. In addition to the live show, you can find it at:

Continue reading Hunting Party Podcast Episode 216: BlizzCon, Booze, and Patch 6.2

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Pet of the Week: Iron Warwolf

Disclaimer: This pet was found on the patch 6.2 PTR and is subject to change.

Wow, it’s been a while since we had one of these. Now that we’re starting to get new pets again, I thought it was time to resurrect this feature. Actually, this is the only new pet I’ve found so far on the 6.2 PTR and I think I did a fairly good sweep of Tanaan Jungle. But the PTR young and a lot could change.  Muffinus also hinted at new pets.

The Iron Warwolf may look familiar to you if you’ve been running Blackrock Foundry. It’s the same wolf pet that Beastlord Darmac uses! It was also seen at The Pit in Gorgrond, but those were level 101 and therefore couldn’t be tamed. These puppies are level 100 and are found at The Iron Front in western Tanaan Jungle (map).

Will they survive the PTR cycle? Let’s hope so. I remember being slightly concerned that the Savage Warwolf, which I originally featured early on in the WoD beta, wouldn’t make it because saddled pets were a rarity at the time. That one did make it in, so I’m pretty hopeful this one will stay tameable as well.

I also threw together a short 1 minute video of this pet, which you will find embedded below.

Continue reading Pet of the Week: Iron Warwolf

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Patch 6.2 PTR is here: RIP Aspect of the Fox

So the big news you probably already know about is that Aspect of the Fox has been completely removed from patch 6.2. I certainly expected some kind of nerf, perhaps a short debuff to prevent the chaining of foxes, but I did not see this coming.

Here’s the list of changes from Blizzard:

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Official Forums)


  • Aspect of the Fox has been removed.


  • Aimed Shot now deals 15% more damage.


  • Mastery: Essence of the Viper has increased in effectiveness by 19%.
  • Explosive Shot now deals 15% less damage.
  • Serpent Sting no longer deals an initial “tick” of damage when the periodic effect is first applied.


  • A Murder of Crows now deals only 80% of normal damage against player-controlled targets.
  • Barrage now deals only 80% of normal damage against player-controlled targets. Additionally, the ability no longer hits invisible or stealthed targets.
Undocumented Changes
  • Mastery: Master of Beasts has been increased in effectiveness by approximately 20%. I gained 10% extra pet damage on the PTR (with my mastery buff).
  • Kill Command was buffed slightly (288.9% of RAP to 297.3% RAP)

OK, make sure your safety harness is secured. We’re back on the Warlords of Draenor Hunter Rollercoaster.

Continue reading Patch 6.2 PTR is here: RIP Aspect of the Fox

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