Tag Archives: Pet of the Week

How to tame Lightning Paw

There’s a new spirit beast to tame in patch 7.1.5! Lightning Paw is the first spirit beast fox and he has a unique lightning effect not seen on any other beasts. It’s hard to see this in screenshots, so check out the short video clip embedded below. Somehow, we all missed him on the PTR (too busy bickering over class mechanics I think), but someone discovered him by chance and posted in the Wowhead comments earlier today.

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Pet of the Week: Lowland Manashell (aka Tortos)

Ever wanted to tame Tortos? Well, now you can — sort of. In lieu of actually making the boss from Throne of Thunder tameable, Blizzard has re-used Tortos’ model for a new turtle species, the Lowland Manashell.  These turtles are found in Suramar, the level 110-only zone in the Broken Isles. More specifically, in the river north of Shal’aran (the main hub of the zone).

While it’s not an actual rare, the Lowland Manashell isn’t very common. Sometimes when I visit the area there are none of them spawned. I believe it may share a spawn with the common turtles in the area, and every time one of those spawns there is a chance that it’s one of the Manashells. I’ve also only seen one up at a time thus far. They can spawn anywhere along the river there, including under water or above the waterfall. If you don’t see any, try killing regular turtles in the area. A “/tar Lowland Manashell” macro is helpful.

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Pet of the Week: Iron Warwolf

Disclaimer: This pet was found on the patch 6.2 PTR and is subject to change.

Wow, it’s been a while since we had one of these. Now that we’re starting to get new pets again, I thought it was time to resurrect this feature. Actually, this is the only new pet I’ve found so far on the 6.2 PTR and I think I did a fairly good sweep of Tanaan Jungle. But the PTR young and a lot could change.  Muffinus also hinted at new pets.

The Iron Warwolf may look familiar to you if you’ve been running Blackrock Foundry. It’s the same wolf pet that Beastlord Darmac uses! It was also seen at The Pit in Gorgrond, but those were level 101 and therefore couldn’t be tamed. These puppies are level 100 and are found at The Iron Front in western Tanaan Jungle (map).

Will they survive the PTR cycle? Let’s hope so. I remember being slightly concerned that the Savage Warwolf, which I originally featured early on in the WoD beta, wouldn’t make it because saddled pets were a rarity at the time. That one did make it in, so I’m pretty hopeful this one will stay tameable as well.

I also threw together a short 1 minute video of this pet, which you will find embedded below.

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Pet(s) of the Week: Matching hunter pets and mounts are awesome

I get a huge kick out of having matching pets and mounts, so I wanted to share my latest couple of matches.

The one above is the Trained Snarler mount and the Riding Wolf pet from Nagrand. The mount is obtained through the garrison stables building. It’s one of the 6 you’re able to train through a series of daily quests. The pet may look familiar to you since I’ve talked previously about the Savage Warwolf (way back in August!), but this one is a little different. It’s the same wolf minus the armor. When I first went down there to look for one there were none spawned, so you may need to give it a bit of time. Both wolves aren’t terribly common, but they will spawn eventually.

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Pet of the Week: Druids in Travel Form

Blizzard finally gave into our demands and made druids tameable. The catch is you can only tame them in their travel form. So if you were hoping for a kitty or bear druid, you’re out of luck (for now). A druid in travel form is part of the Stag family once tamed and brings the versatility raid buff with Grace.

Druids are not exotic, so no need to worry about that. The trick is just catching one in travel form who won’t notice your Tame Beast channeling. AFK druids work best. I wouldn’t recommend taming one of your friends or guildies, since you may lose them as a friend once they can no longer control their druid.

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Pet of the Week: Spirit of Atha

Hail Hydra! That seems to be the hunter mantra of the week. Everywhere I go, I see hunters sporting their newly tamed hydras. Arguably one of the coolest is Spirit of Atha, the ghost hydra.

This isn’t the first time I’ve tamed this elusive beast. I was one of those who tamed it back in Wrath of the Lich King when there was a bug that allowed hunters to tame it as a crocolisk pet. In my infinite wisdom, I abandoned it and regretted it ever since. It was only available for a short time before it was fixed. In my defense, we could only own 5 total pets back then. For a while it remained a crocolisk until Blizzard made a new hydra family just for this one pet in Cataclysm. That version of the hydra family had a crit buff, today’s Hydras have a mastery buff.

The Spirit of Atha is found in Sholazar Basin. It doesn’t exist naturally in the world, the only way to get it is to summon it via a quest.

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Pet of the Week: Saddled Clefthooves

I delayed in posting about these pets because I honestly thought there was a possibility they’d get nerfed (made untameable). After all, I’ve been disappointed before when I find a pet I love in beta, only for it to be made untameable. For a while, the only saddled clefthoof which was tameable was Giantbane and I was waiting for that to change — for good or bad. I think I have my answer now. Blizzard actually added 3 new tameable colors in the most recent set of builds. I think it’s safe to say these awesome pets are here to stay!

The clefthoof (exotic) family — which includes rhinos from the old family — is one of the most formidable when it comes to their special ability load out. Clefthooves bring two DPS buffs (5% Multistrike and 3% Versatility) with Wild Strength, and a damage reduction cooldown with Thick Hide.

You can check out all 4 colors in the video below.

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Pet of the Week: Teroclaws

Teroclaws are a new type of hunter pet found in Talador and I believe it’s the first type of hunter pet that has both flying and grounded variants. They have been added to the Carrion Bird family, though many of us were hoping the grounded ones would have made it into the Raptor family.

These are some really nifty looking pets. My only quibble with them is their family. Carrion Birds only bring the Bloody Screech (Mortal Wounds) debuff, which isn’t something I find myself needing very often. Of course, some pet family has to fill this niche, right? One of the grounded versions is actually flagged as a Bird of Prey (Versatility buff), but this may be a bug. I hope it’s not though simply because it gives us more options.

Below is a video showing off the different tameable versions. Ji-Kun from Throne of Thunder uses the same model as the flying variant, but I don’t believe it’s been made tameable yet. Perhaps in a future expansion? Anzu from Sethekk Halls is also not tameable.

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Pet of the Week: Toucans! (aka Axebeaks)

Don’t ask me how the physics work here or how those tiny wings can support such a front-heavy bodyweight which is apparently 90% beak, 10% feathers. Let’s just hope your group or raid needs a versatility buff at some point so you have more excuses to use these adorable freaks of nature.

Toucans (officially called Axebeaks, a fitting name) are part of the Bird of Prey family. They bring Tenacity (not to be confused with the pet spec), and Trick, which you can use to make them do loops at your side.

They come in four colors. Here’s a short video.

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Pet of the Week: Talador Ridge Prowlers

This week’s pet of the week is a bit late because my big video preview on the new pet families was posted in its place. Now we’ll get back to looking at individual hunter pets found in Draenor. Even though you can’t tame these yet, you’ll be able to look back on previous pets of the week and have a bunch of taming ideas when Warlords is released. If you’re like me, you’ll already be looking in your stable and figuring out which pets you’re willing to abandon to make room.

If you’re a fan of cat pets, I think you’ll like these new colors being added in Warlords. I’m partial to the white one myself. They can be found right smack dab in the middle of Talador. The white ones can also be found elsewhere in the zone. Some of them will be stealthed, others will be sleeping. There’s plenty of them to tame though.

It looks like Draenor isn’t getting any new cat models, which isn’t surprising considering they were just updated in Mists.

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