It’s patch day! That means it’s time to TAME ALL THE PETS. This is probably how things will play out for me upon logging in today:
- Get my 3 extra Challenge Mode mounts from my mailbox, which will put me to exactly 200 mounts and give me the achievement! Woot!
- Add all my toys to the Toy Box, fill up the new Void Storage tab, add reagents to reagent bank, and just clean up bags and bank in general. I’m going to be freeing up well over 150 bag slots.
- Set up addons, action bars, etc. and change my gems (more on that below)
- Tame Chimaeron!
- Do the Blasted Lands quests for the launch event and get the title and pet (as seen in the image above from PTR).
- Moar pets!
Hot off the press we also have some Survival hotfixes. Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, and Serpent Sting all had a 12% damage buff. It should help Survival a little bit, which according to sims was the lowest DPS spec in the game for 6.0, and I’m not just talking about hunters. We’ll see how accurate those sims were as we get to test things more. Survival likes multistrike, but the only way you’ll be able to get some in 6.0 is from the raid buff (one of your pets), which gives you 5%. Plus you can get a little more from Haromm’s Talisman.
Hunter guide for 6.0
My Patch 6.0 / Warlords of Draenor hunter guide was published on Wowhead today. It’s geared mostly towards new or recently returned players, but I think most hunters will see value in it. It covers all the bases in a concise manner, including transitioning to 6.0 at level 90. Go check it out!
The WHU also posted their 6.0 hunter guide last night which you should also check out. So much hunter love.
Continue reading Patch 6.0.2: Hunter guides, gems, new pets and buffs, and Survival hotfixes →