Tag Archives: Patch 7.1.5

Legion Beast Mastery FAQ/Guide (updated for 7.2)

As of Patch 7.2.5, this post is no longer being updated.

I maintain the Beast Mastery Guide at Wowhead and got sick of keeping both up to date with every little change!

So check out Wowhead for my BM guide. It will always be up to date. I’ll leave the original post here for now, but just remember it’s not being updated anymore.

As of Patch 7.2.5, this post is no longer being updated.

Continue reading Legion Beast Mastery FAQ/Guide (updated for 7.2)

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How to tame Lightning Paw

There’s a new spirit beast to tame in patch 7.1.5! Lightning Paw is the first spirit beast fox and he has a unique lightning effect not seen on any other beasts. It’s hard to see this in screenshots, so check out the short video clip embedded below. Somehow, we all missed him on the PTR (too busy bickering over class mechanics I think), but someone discovered him by chance and posted in the Wowhead comments earlier today.

Continue reading How to tame Lightning Paw

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Hunters at BlizzCon 2016: Traps coming back for Beast Mastery & Marksmanship

We’ve gotten a few exciting Hunter tidbits at BlizzCon 2016 so far. Ion Hazzikostas revealed a boatload of new content coming in patches 7.1.5 and 7.2. Hunter stuff aside, there is an insane amount of stuff coming in these patches. I don’t even know where to start, but Wowhead has a good summary. Patch 7.1.5 is coming very soon (on the PTR right after BlizzCon) and promises some big class changes. The only specific Hunter change that was confirmed was a pretty big one…

Continue reading Hunters at BlizzCon 2016: Traps coming back for Beast Mastery & Marksmanship

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