Today’s hunter transmog was submitted by Jaeger on Drak’thul-US. He calls it “Shado-Pan Beast Lord.” I love how the mount’s armor matches the Beast Lord stuff, and how the cats also match. Nice job, Jaeger! Thanks for submitting. Most of these items are obtained in Burning Crusade dungeons with the obvious exception of the Shado-Pan hat acquired by getting exalted with the Shado-Pan.
Helm: Replica Shado-Pan Helmet
Shoulder: Beast Lord Mantle
Chest: Beast Lord Cuirass
Shirt: Ebon Filigreed Doublet
Gloves: Beast Lord Handguards
Belt: Girdle of Ferocity
Legs: Beast Lord Leggings
Feet: Boots of the Endless Hunt (Alternative: Boots of the Renewed Flight)
Weapon: Coilfang Needler
I’ve put this set together in a Wowhead item comparison so you can quickly view it on other races in 3D (click the little triangle above the item icons).
The featured pet is a Gorge Stalker from Valley of the Four Winds, and the mount is the Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger.
Jaeger said he wasn’t entirely happy with the weapon, but he was having trouble finding a good match beyond this one. Maybe someone has a suggestion for him?
If you want another transmog that features the Shado-Pan hat, be sure to check out Shado-Pan Hunter.
Got a cool hunter transmog to show off?
Submit it, along with a complete item list and a link to a high-resolution screenshot or two, and I may feature it on the site!
You can view previous transmog posts here.
I think the Brunnhildar Bow is a perfect match for this set. The and the Mogu Sportsman’s Bow looks like they could be a cool match for it too.
2nd one is the Talbuk Hunting Bow.
Thanks Matheus. I’m sporting the Brunnhilder Bow now. I never knew about it since it doesn’t show up in MogIt. In theory, it shouldn’t be moggable, but it is! It’s nice to use a bow again. Don’t really like crossbows.
Really nice! This is the best set for the Replica Shadow-Pan Helmet I’ve seen to date. Really well done!
I recently got Dagryn’s Discarded Longbow ( and am farming that set (minus the hat) to go with it. The red glow of the bow has a very pink tone and the Beast Lord set is the only one I’ve found that matches it well.
For a weapon, I suggest either the Military Compound Bow (, which is an 80 random green, or the High-Strung Bow ( from the quest Stocking the Shelves( in Zul’Drak.
Thanks guys. I’ll preview those weapons in MogIt and see how they look.
The combo of the mount, the armor and the pet, just so well done <3 <3 <3!
I would prefer helm of the grave ( over the shadow-pan one, and maybe use the Illidari cloak ( … The Brunnhildar bow is by far the best bow to match. I really like the armor on the tiger, though i dont like green tigers personally