That there is my Oil-stained Wolf named Void. They are no longer tameable with their oily coat intact — I thought I would get that out of the way first (sorry about that 😛 ). Aside from looking really cool, this wolf has a neat little feature of barking/growling when he is clicked.
It turns out there are a handful of wolves available in the game which will do this — some rare, some easy to find. Why is this such a big deal? Because when you click on them, you gain a stacking 1% damage buff from each bark (up to 20 stacks). Not many people know about this hidden buff as it doesn’t appear in your list of auras and…
Alright, I’m kidding. There’s really no point to this. I just like pets that make sounds when I click on them, OK?
Continue reading Pet(s) of the Week: Wolves that bark, growl, and howl