Shado-Pan Transmog

Hunter Transmog: Shado-Pan Hunter

This transmog gives your hunter that leather look, and all of the pieces are extremely easy to acquire. It was built around the Shado-Pan hat, and the only real wild card here is the bow. There’s a good chance you may have completed the quest and unintentionally trashed the bow if you did any leveling in Zul’Drak, but there is a green BoE version that you may be lucky to find on the AH. I’m open to suggestions on the cloak as it’s not something I traditionally use since I hate when weapons clip through it.

I’ve put this set together in a Wowhead item comparison so you can quickly view it on other races in 3D (click the little triangle above the item icons).

Shado-Pan Transmog
Got a cool hunter transmog to show off?

Submit it, along with a complete item list and a link to a high resolution screenshot (1200+ pixels wide) and I may feature it on the site!

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