Patch 6.2 features 8 new hunter pet looks. There are no rares, but one of the new pets is a challenge tame — the Felbound Wolf. You can learn more about how to tame that in this post.
The video below will give you a quick look at 7 of the new looks. The 8th is a red worm pet only available if you’re on a particular part of the garrison campaign (I’m past it, so I couldn’t tame it for this video). However, if someone in your party has the quest you should be able to see the worm.
Watch on YouTube
So what do you think? I liked the green worm a lot more than I thought I would. It really stands out! I’m always a big fan of wolf pets so you won’t hear me complaining about those either. It’s nice to have a new challenge tame.
Below is also a gallery of the new pets. These images are from Petopia, and you can browse the new pets there as well.
- Boars: Diresnout Felboar (green), Hulking Diretusk (red) Note: The T18 4-piece bonus uses this same green boar model.
- Worms: Spiked Rockworm (bright green back), Larva Pit Fodder (red)
- Bat: Direwing Predator (tan/draenor)
- Crab: Fathomless Mauler (blue/red)
- Wolves: Iron Warwolf (armored), Felbound Wolf (green, challenge tame, NOT a spirit beast)
Image source: Petopia
So, will any of these find their way into your stable on patch day?
I think you missed the red worm in your video.. that or I’m crazy.. lol.
I mentioned in the post that one has specific conditions in order to be able to tame, and I wasn’t able to since I had completed the quest.
I think Strangepork, my current Felboar from Outlands, may be getting an upgrade! Great video as always. thanks!
Actually there is one more new pet. According to ptr wowhead there is a rare dark green raptor in tanaan that is tameable.
You can already tame one of those. See here
I’ve always been a fan of the new wolf models. So these two are certainly joining my pack.
Wonderful! Thanks for all you do for hunters.
Ooh! Love the wolves! Now to find room in my stables… What bow are you using in the video? I’d love that for a transmog.
It’s the new PvP bow in 6.2… I just bought it from the test vendor.
I know I’m getting both wolves and the Diresnout Felboar. I love that Iron Warwolf – reminds me of the Shadowmoon War Hound in Black Temple.
Definitely plan to tame both new wolves and the Diresnout Felboar.
I’m excited! The video was a big help to find not only where to look but how they’d look!
Wow were I can get this Bow !!! ??