Taming Chimaeron is simple for a level 100 character, but if you want to tame him in patch 6.0 at level 90, it’s a little trickier to do solo, but still perfectly doable. I’ll start with level 100. It isn’t quite as simple as walking in and taming. First you need to show Chimaeron who’s boss (that means getting him below 20% health before you can tame).
Taming Chimaeron at level 100
- Set the legacy raid difficulty to 10-player (or 25-player is fine for level 100 players) and enter Blackwing Descent (the entrance is near the top of Blackrock Mountain in Burning Steppes/Searing Gorge).
- Kill Magmaw and Omnotron Defense System to unlock the next area with Chimaeron. With the new stat scaling, you will kill them very quickly.
- Head down the elevator and take a left. That’s where Chimaeron is located.
- Talk to Finkle in the cage behind Chimaeron (this is so if you don’t tame him fast enough, he won’t one-shot you later on).
- Dismiss your current pet and slowly DPS him down to 20% health, but be very careful not to kill him outright with your buffed damage.
- Be VERY careful — once he hits 50% you may just want to use auto shot. I wouldn’t recommend survival spec for this since the DoTs could kill him after 20%. If Chimaeron dies, you have to wait a week to try the tame again.
- Begin the tame once he enrages at 20% health.
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