Pet of the Week: Aotona

This week’s pet is one of my favorite birds, Aotona. You can find this Bird of Prey in Sholazar Basin, so if you’re looking for King Krush or Loque’nahak, it’s definitely worth flying by Aotona’s spawn points as well.

Aotona is still the only bird to use the “blue parrot” skin. Like many other birds, she also has the Trick ability which makes her do a loop. See here for a gif of it in action. We need more pets with trick abilities if you ask me! Fox pets can dance for their trick, so why not give bears and cats the ability to dance as well? There’s already animations available from the druid forms!

Check Wowhead for the spawn point map if you’re interested in this birdy, and click here to see previous pets of the week.

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Hydras confirmed!

In a time with so little WoW news being released, little tidbits like this really get me excited. WoW Designer @Muffinus tweeted a pic of a Hydra standing beside a hunter, and confirmed it is indeed a tamed pet. Earlier this month, he asked hunters what they’d like to see for hunter pets in Warlords. Several hunters (including myself) reiterated how much we want to see Hydras. It seems our wish has been granted.

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Guide for new and recently boosted hunters

Shortly after the 90 boosts went live, Wowhead asked me to put together a guide for players who are brand new to the hunter class. The guide just went live today and it looks great! If you’re new to the class, or just want to brush up on some things, you can check it out here: Wowhead Hunter DPS Guide.

Keep in mind it’s aimed squarely at new players (all those boosted hunters everywhere!) and was intentionally kept simple! I know a different reforge can squeeze out an extra percent or two of DPS for a BM hunter under certain circumstances, but the goal was to avoid the theorycrafting stuff and keep it to the basics. Wowhead also has similar guides for every other class written by other class bloggers, so if you recently boosted a non-hunter, you can check those out here.

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Hunter Transmog: Black Scourgestalker

This is a recolor of the tier 8 hunter set. Out of the 4 colors available (red, blue, green, black) I definitely think this one takes the cake. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Blizzard did not add the black version of the helm to the game. I couldn’t find a good match in my transmog collection, so I defaulted to my trusty eye patch, which goes with everything!

This armor itself is acquired mostly in 10-player Ulduar (only 1 hard mode) and is soloable by any level 90 hunter. The only one that you may need some help on is with Thorim. You need to… get creative… in order to do this by yourself. You can bring a friend to help, or check out Darkbrew’s video on how to do it here. Thorim will be made “officially” soloable in patch 6.0, but that is still a while off. The other bosses you need are straight forward burns, except you should be cautious with Freya. If you kill her too fast, she won’t spawn her chest and you won’t get any loot. Some of Mimiron’s abilities in hard mode can still hurt you, so don’t faceroll it too much.

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Pet of the Week: King Krush

Day 1: I just dinged level 80 and I heard about this new rare Devilsaur pet called King Krush. He’s the only green devilsaur. I must tame this beast!
Day 6:
A fellow hunter who encountered this rare beast told me his initial attempts to tame the beast were unsuccessful because it would fear him before the tame completes. And Krush hits like a truck.
Day 37: Still no sign of King Krush, but I always keep a throwaway pet on hand so I can cast Bestial Wrath for fear immunity right before the tame. I have a macro that will instantly abandon the throwaway after Bestial Wrath. It also pops a haste potion. It’s foolproof!
Day 212: Still no sign of King Krush. I’m beginning to lose hope.
Day 1037: I give up.
Day 1860: Decided to give it another go for old times’ sake. No luck, but I’m going to log out in Sholazar so I can check as soon as I login tomorrow.
Day 1861: I logged in to find King Krush standing 15 yards in front of me. HE’S MINE!

Continue reading Pet of the Week: King Krush

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Revamping the hunter stable in garrisons

Pets are, without a doubt, the primary reason I play a hunter. I think Blizzard has been pretty good to us over the years, putting a lot of development time and effort into something that serves only a single class. We have 45 pet families and, if you count all the different skins and color swaps, about 600 pets to choose from. Every expansion brings dozens of new pets to tame, and they continue to give us attention like the recent bump to 50 stable slots.

At least one developer over at Blizzard has their thumb on the pulse of hunters. But, like any WoW player, I will never be completely satisfied. I’m always wondering what they can do next to improve the best class in WoW. Stables, as a system,  have remained more or less unchanged since launch. With the announcement of Garrisons in Warlords of Draenor, I think there’s a pretty great opportunity to give hunters the pet stable they deserve.

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New hunter podcast on the way

It’s been a couple of months since the Hunting Party Podcast closed its doors with episode 200, and hunters have been wanting their podcast fix ever since.

Hunter Solar, formerly of the Convert to Raid podcast, has announced a new hunter podcast called Cloak and Quiver. The first episode is due sometime next week. I’m pretty excited! Follow @CloakAndQuiver to find out when the first episode drops.

Update: Episodes will be released on Sundays!


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Hunter Transmog: Howling Beast

The Howling Beast armor is the ultimate transmog for hunters who like the “wear what you kill” style of armor. I’m going to tell you up front that you need to get a gold medal in all 9 of the Mists of Pandaria challenge mode dungeons in order to earn it. If you’ve been thinking about getting this set, you will have to do so before the 6.0 patch drops and it is removed from the game. My guess is that means you have until about July-August, but that’s just a wild guess. It may seem insurmountable, but it’s definitely not. I previously wrote a couple of challenge mode guides at WoW Insider you may be interested in — Hunter specific, and a general getting started guide. In short, gear is not the barrier. Practice and finding a good team is.  Check out OpenRaid if you don’t have any friends interested.

A unique feature of the challenge mode armor sets is they all have visual effects that activate when you attack. In the case of Howling Beast, this manifests as flames coming out of the shoulders and a laser sight coming out of the helm.

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Quick Tip: Solo Valithria with spirit beasts

Update for post patch 6.0: This strategy no longer works since pet ability cooldowns (Spirit Mend in this case) are now shared between pets. The good news is you can just skip Valithria if you want now.

Valithria Dreamwalker is usually the main stumbling block for pure DPS or DPS/tank classes in Icecrown Citadel solo progression. In order to beat this boss, you need to heal it to full health while dealing with adds.

Lucky for hunters, we have spirit beasts with Spirit Mend. A single spirit beast isn’t going to be enough with a 30 second cooldown on the Spirit Mend. You will need at least 4, preferably 5, so you can rotate them in succession. If you don’t have 5 unique spirit beasts yet, I would recommend taming a few copies of the spectral porcupines as they have a quick respawn and always seem to be up — Hutia, Degu, and Gumi. These are challenge tames which must be brought to 30% health before you can tame them.

Continue reading Quick Tip: Solo Valithria with spirit beasts

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Pet of the Week: Gezzarak / Zormus

Warp Stalkers used to have a spell called Warp which is very similar to what Blink Strikes is today, only they had it many years earlier. You won’t see many hunters using these pets since they don’t provide a buff, but they do have their Time Warp ability. I’ll admit to hardly using mine for that reason, but I still think it’s a cool pet to run around with from time to time.

There are only two beasts with this black warp stalker skin — Gezzarak the Huntress and Zormus. Gezzarak is summoned in Terrokar Forest and Zormus is one of the new rares added in patch 5.2.

Continue reading Pet of the Week: Gezzarak / Zormus

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