WoD Beta: Adventures in Gorgrond gallery

I recently leveled from 92-94 in Gorgrond, and I really enjoyed this zone. The mix of lush jungle and desolate badlands makes it interesting because the scenery is always changing. It feels like there’s multiple zones in just one. There’s lots of little nooks and crannies to explore, mountains to climb, and big trophy mobs to kill. Killing one of these big elites gives you a quest item which rewards a bunch of XP and supposedly a trophy to display in your garrison (doesn’t seem to work yet).

I encountered several new beasts in my travels, some of which I was able to tame. You’ll also find pictures of some of those in this gallery. You can click through to any of these pictures for a full size 2560×1440 version. I imagine some of these would make nice wallpapers. Enjoy. šŸ™‚

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WoD Beta 18566: The new Chimaera Shot (and more!)

The amazing header image for this post was created by Draven aka SpiritBinder of WarcraftMounts.com. Unfortunately, Chimaera Shot doesn’t look quite that cool in the game!

Another build, another round of hunter changes. The biggest is the newly updated Chimaera Shot (formerly Chimera Shot), but there are also some new perks, some updated visuals, and several bug fixes.

Chimaera Shot
  • Renamed Chimaera Shot (old: Chimera Shot)
  • Now hits 2 targets, one for frost damage, and one for nature damage.
  • On a single target, it randomly chooses nature or frost damage.
  • Still does the same damage as old Chimaera Shot, there seems to be no penalty for the new cleave component.
  • Each Chimaera “head” independently crits and multistrikes.
  • Seems to choose the closest target for the second shot.
  • Currently it’s not “smart” and will break CC on the secondary target.
  • The visuals might be temporary since they are using a Dragonhawk head rather than a Chimaera!

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All-hunter raiding

There’s few things cooler than watching 25 hunters take down level 90 raid bosses. You’ll come for the hunters, and stay for the Glaives spam. It’s a glorious sight to behold.

A group of US Horde hunters, organized in part by Artemishowl of Blood Legion, has been tackling tier 14 and tier 15 Mists of Pandaria raids with nothing but hunters. So far, they’ve cleared tier 14 (normal and heroic versions), and normal tier 15. Their next raid is set for July 19 at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT and they’ll be attempting heroic Throne of Thunder. There are several streams you can watch. I have usually been tuning into Ricket’s stream.

If you’re a Horde hunter playing on US servers, you may be able to join in on the fun, or at least be a backup. There’s a few requirements to join, like 575 ilvl and heroic experience. You can find out all the details on the MMO-Champion hunter forums, including where and when to watch and how to sign up.

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WoD Beta: Improvements to Lock and Load and Chimera Shot on the way

Celestalon has been tweeting more about hunters, and we have some good news for both survival and marksmanship to talk about. None of these changes are in the build (or patch notes) yet, but they should hopefully make it in soon so we can test them.

Lock and Load

We’ll start with the survival changes. One is a nice quality of life change (and opens up some new gameplay avenues), and the other will help survival at lower multistrike levels. In case you haven’t been keeping up with the news, Black Arrow now procs 1 charge of Lock and Load every time it multistrikes.

Patch 6.0 at level 90 would have been really awkward without this baseline chance. If you have Haromm’s Talisman, you should be able to get around ~20% total multistrike with the appropriate raid buff (more if they add level 90 versions of the multistrike flasks and food) when patch 6.0 launches.

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WoD Beta: Missing the Mark

Editor’s Note: If there’s one thing most hunters will agree with on the Warlords beta, it’s that marksmanship and survival are simply missing “something” in their current state. I thought Jademcian articulated the reason for this better than I ever could, so I asked him to do a guest post for the site. Hopefully this will spark some more discussion and help improve these specs before release. -Bendak

A few days ago I made a four part post on the beta class forums for a discussion regarding Marksmanship. Many of the posters seemed toĀ  enjoy Beast Mastery while feeling Marks and Survival were hollow by comparison. In my post I made a few remarks on Marksmanship based on the discussion then went into a comparison between it and Beast Mastery, why I thought one felt more complete than the other and an example of what could be done to make Marksmanship feel the same ‘completeness.’

Bendak asked if I would write about that post here, on his site, and I happily obliged because I think it’s something the hunter community may be able to use to fuel player/developer conversation. The first step is identifying that something feels missing, the second step is figuring out what that thing is, and the third step is in Blizzard’s hands. So, whether you like Beast Mastery or not, or what was axed from Marksmanship, I hope you find my thoughts a useful tool for communicating your own.

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Pet of the Week: Flying Rylaks

It’s going to be hard to top last week’s pet, but today we’re taking a lot at another new pet from Warlords of Draenor. The Twinbreath Skystalker is part of the new rylak family, or at least it’s supposed to be. For now it’s just classified as a chimaera until they add the rylak family to the game. Rylaks will be exotic pets.

This isn’t a rare pet, you can go out into the middle of Frostfire Ridge and find several of them flying around, and others being captured by Thunderlord orcs. Unlike other flying pets, rylaks spend all of their time on the ground once tamed. Well, almost all of it…

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More changes to T17 Hunter set bonuses

Beta build 18537 went up and with it comes the third round of changes to hunter tier 17 set bonuses. There’s some real cool stuff here, but knowing how often these have changed so far, don’t get too attached. Although I’m sort of already attached to this new BM one…

Beast Mastery
  • 2-piece bonus: Kill Command has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Bestial Wrath.
  • 4-piece bonus: While Bestial Wrath is active, one additional pet is summoned to fight with you.

The 4p bonus was unchanged from before, only the 2p bonus is new. Yeah, so, this is pretty awesome. The best pet is a big red pet. These are the types of set bonuses I’d come up with on a wish list. Stuff that is sitting right on the line dividing realistic and too good to be true. I know some people dislike RNG bonuses like this, but I’ve always liked them.

I still wonder if the 4p bonus is just going to summon a Dire Beast or if it’ll be an actual pet from your current active pets with full abilities and all (or at least basic attacks).

What I would change: Nothing, except maybe a guarantee that the second pet it pulls out will be the first available one in your list. Say you have pet 3 summoned, it will summon pet 1. If you have pet 1 summoned, it would summon pet 2.

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WoD Beta: Lone Wolf and Adaptation talent previews

This is second in a series of posts about the new level 100 hunter talents as they currently exist on beta. The first post was all about Exotic Munitions. Today, it’s about Lone Wolf and Adaptation. This talent changes based on your current spec: Lone Wolf for marksmanship and survival, Adaptation for beast mastery.

These talents couldn’t be more opposite if they tried. One removes your pet, the other turns your pet into a superhero pet. If you’ve read my posts before, you’ll know I am not really down with the whole Lone Wolf thing. I play hunters because of the pets. I still think it’s cool they’re giving the option to those who want to play a pure archer, but the BM version of this talent appeals to me more.

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Hunter Transmog: The Mercenary

I was going for a “gun for hire” vibe with this transmog. I had a lot of fun putting it together. Most of the pieces aren’t too hard to find, though some of the green items will probably cost you. The whole set can be completed solo.

No matter how many times I kill Flame Leviathan (25m) I can never get the goggles to drop, which I think would also go well with this transmog as an alternative to the eye patch. Both are pretty cool options. I chose the Rifle of the Stoic Guardian over Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle because it’s more compact and fits better with the theme of the set, though the rifle would go well with it too (what transmog doesn’t that rifle go with?).

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WoD Beta: Exotic Munitions preview

Today we’re taking a closer look at the newest of the level 100 hunter talents in Warlords of Draenor, Exotic Munitions. This is a passive talent that modifies your Auto Shots in 3 different ways. Only one of these munition types can be active at a time.

  • Incendiary Ammo – Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 1 hour. Each autoshot deals 20% additional weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 8 yards of the initial target.
    • To be used primarily in AoE raid encounters, dungeons, or just farming large numbers of mobs out in the world.
  • Poisoned Ammo – Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 1 hour. Each autoshot deals (200% of Attack power) additional Nature damage over 16 sec. When this effect is refreshed, the remaining damage will be added to the new effect.
    • To be used primarily for extended single-target fights.
  • Frozen Ammo – Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 1 hour. Each autoshot deals 40% additional weapon damage as Frost and reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.
    • To be used primarily for PvP, or for when you’re fighting one target at a time that won’t live long enough to fully benefit from Poisoned Ammo. If we had this talent today, I’d probably be using it to aid in my 2 or 3-shotting of Gulp Frogs.

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